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    Comments (12)

    1. es un sitio web procatalanista , que se enteren los anunciantes y los lectores , regado con dinero, catalan e independentista , informa con noticias sesgadas, de Roures el empresario pro independentista, mirad, cuando clicais en contacto , te sale una web de apuestas , asi es que no interesa que contacten con ellos ,

    2. ¡Buenas tardes equipo!

      Soy un representante de la empresa de marketing Local Profy LLC. Nuestra empresa desea cooperar con usted.

      Estamos interesados en publicar en su sitio un artículo informativo con un enlace permanente de seguimiento indexado en google.

      ¿Puede publicar dichos artículos en su sitio web?

      Si puede hacerlo, infórmenos sobre todas las especificaciones de publicar artículos en su sitio. ¿Y usted posee otros sitios? También nos interesaremos por ellos.

      Gracias por tu tiempo.
      Maria Garibay

    3. Hi there,
      My Name is Sheraz from LINKSLINER, I have just come across your site “ ” and would be really interested in chatting to you further about some advertising opportunities and partnerships that would be mutually beneficial for us.
      We have a large customer base of clients prepared to pay for placing either a text-based link within your site somewhere or provide you with a New Article with the link already inserted, contextually matched to the content to the site like yours, and this can be a great way to generate an income without compromising your website.
      If you’re interested to go with us then let us know the followings:
      • Price for New Article Submission
      • Price for existing post link
      = > If you allow CBD & Casino also then please share those prices too. <=
      Note: We are looking for a long term partnership with bloggers so can you please confirm that these prices will be the same for at least 1 year.

    4. Hi Mate

      Hope you are doing well.

      We are SEO agency, I’m a outreach service provider
      Would you like to provide a sponsored Post on your website
      If yes, Share your price and standard operating procedure (SOPs) for sponsored posting.
      What payment method do you like?

      We very much look forward to hearing back from you and hope to start a long-term collaboration with you.

    Respuesta a Andrea Giraldo Ciro Cancelar respuesta

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